Thursday, May 10, 2007

Themes of the new documentary film, "How To Make The World A Better Place," being filmed this month:
  • What people need now is more love and caring
    • If we loved each other more we would not tolerate our loved-ones being hungry or homeless, fighting wars, etc.
  • What the earth needs now is to be appreciated and cared for
    • We are stewards of the planet (and particularly our place in it and on it) and many take this lightly
  • Everyone can do something.
    • Helen Keller once wrote that "Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained. ."
    • If just MORE people did a few positive things (help struggling people, stand up for the needs of the poor, work for justice, etc.) the world would be better off.
  • Do it soon!
    • We can sit around discussing what to do; write about what could be done - or get out and do some positive things - even small things, SOON!

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